The Global South Unit for Mediation - GSUM
The Global South Unit for Mediation – GSUM ( is a learning, research and training platform, intending to promote the diffusion of knowledge and expertise on international mediation among scholars, diplomats, governmental officials and non-governmental actors from the ‘Global South’. The project is the result of a partnership between the Institute of International Relations - IRI ( of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro - PUC-Rio (, the BRICS Policy Center (, and the Royal Embassy of Norway in Brazil.
The GSUM organizes events, produces publications and teaching materials, and fosters research on different aspects of international mediation, with a particular focus on the Global South. The GSUM also runs a Fellowship Program for academics and practitioners whose expertise is international mediation.
Moreover, it organizes the GSUM Winter School.
The GSUM Winter School
The GSUM Winter School is a two-week intensive academic and training program on international mediation organized by the Global South Unit for Mediation - GSUM in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The GSUM Winter School is open to a maximum of 24 students per week who want to have an intensive and substantial learning and training experience in the theory and practice of international mediation, with a particular focus on issues, questions and experiences concerning the Global South.
The GSUM Winter School aims to offer an intensive and substantial learning and training experience in the theory and practice of international mediation, with a particular focus on issues, questions and experiences concerning or related to the Global South. It will offer a rigorous introduction to fundamental concepts, theories and perspectives of international mediation, as well as to the actors and processes involved in this field of study and practice.
The students will have the opportunity to critically analyze experiences of international mediation through a case-study approach. Moreover, the School will present the students an overall perspective that emphasizes conceptual and practical issues, problems, questions and experiences related to the Global South.
The courses will be conducted by renowned international mediation specialists, eminent scholars and practitioners.
The GSUM Winter School is open to a maximum of 24 students per week, who will be postgraduate students and/or professionals (scholars, civil society representatives, diplomats, NGO staff, governmental officials, lawyers, and international organizations’ staff, among others) interested in international mediation, with a particular focus on issues, questions and experiences related to the Global South.
Also, the GSUM Winter School will accept undergraduate students with outstanding grades who intend to pursue a postgraduate degree in international mediation or related areas.
Ter inglês fluente, pois o curso é todo ministrado em inglês.
O aluno que preencher satisfatoriamente os quesitos frequência e aproveitamento terá direito a certificado.
Receba informações quando novas turmas estiverem em oferecimento.
- Alunos, ex-alunos (concluintes), funcionários e professores da PUC-Rio, desconto de 10% no pagamento à vista ou 5% no pagamento parcelado nas matriculas realizadas através da central de relacionamento 0800 970 9556, (21) 97658-6094 (WhatsApp) ou presencialmente, em nossa unidade Gávea. Desconto não cumulativo.
- Cursos de parcela única ou cursos oferecidos pelo Departamento de Medicina e Instituto de Odontologia não contemplam nenhum tipo de desconto.
- Bolsas de Estudos: devido à natureza autofinanciada dos cursos oferecidos pela CCEC, não há viabilidade financeira para a concessão de bolsas de estudo.
- Vagas limitadas.
- A realização do curso está sujeita à quantidade mínima de matrículas.
Rua Marquês de São Vicente, 225 - Casa XV
Gávea - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
Segunda a sexta-feira, das 08h30 às 20h30
Sábados, das 8h às 14h
Fale conosco
Telefone: 0800 970 9556
WhatsApp: (55 21) 97658 6094